Home Hub – Tackling Our Housing Crisis

Home Hub is Western Australia’s first advertising service and one-stop hub for safe, secure and affordable homes – connecting people who need a safe, secure and affordable place to call home with the homes that are currently available to choose from.

We aren’t just talking about homelessness, in fact, over 60,000 households in WA are doing it tough including;

  • people fleeing family and domestic violence;
  • seniors and older persons;
  • people with disability;
  • people with health and mental health illnesses;
  • young people including young people exiting care;
  • veterans and ex-emergency service personnel;
  • refugees and resettlement migrants; and
  • everyday individuals and families (often working) on low and moderate incomes.

Often these are people that we know, such as our family, our friends, our work colleagues, and our community acquaintances. They’re often people working, and/or in receipt of disability and aged pensions.

They’re the everyday people who are around us where we live, work and play. They are the everyday narratives that need our help.


In WA there are over 60,000 households who need social and affordable housing

There’s over 204,195 homes that are unoccupied at any time.

When you think about that for a second, that seems silly right?!

Putting it into context;

Connecting people with homes, and on the odd occasion, the support that people need too, is proven without doubt, to reduce and prevent housing issues including the worst symptom, homelessness.

Home Hub - WA Housing Snapshot
Image courtesy of Shelter WA (2019)

You may be one of those 60,000+ households who need a home, or you may own, manage or be friends with someone who has one of those 200,000+ unoccupied homes.

Whether you are or not, you’re part of our community. So, imagine the problem was as simple as this equation:

There’s more unoccupied homes than there are households who need somewhere safe, secure and affordable…and there’s even some homes left over!

Until now, you’ve probably never realised how simply, together with the help of Home Hub, we can help reduce and prevent the housing crisis that affects many of us in WA.


There are many ways that you can help to make a difference using Home Hub;

  1. Advertise with us – whether you’re an owner, investor, private real estate manager/agent, community service provider, a charity or a government department/agency, advertise with us to help get people into your homes more simply and quickly than currently possible (contact info@homehub.org.au to advertise with us);
  2. Use Home Hub – use it yourself, or offer to help other people to use it with them. Be more considerate when talking to people, especially people you know, ask people about whether they need help finding a place to call home. You never know, you might change the life of someone you know through a simple act of conversation and then using Home Hub.
  3. Funding Partnerships – as a registered not-for-profit with charitable status including Deductible Gift Recipient status, we can offer a tax exempt donation to people and organisations. If you’re looking to support a good cause, no matter how small or large your donation, you could consider getting someone into a house through the Home Hub (contact info@homehub.org.au for more information).
  4. Share us (Home Hub by Hygge Community Life Limited) – talk about us, share us on social media, tell everybody you know about us. Be part of improving the housing system for everyone across WA, for future generations. Help us to create a better tomorrow, and join us in promoting the need to ‘talk about home’!

We hope to help the lives of thousands of people across WA each year. The more support we have from the community, the greater our ability to affect the lives of people in ways that we want to together.

It’s our turn, the community, to take direct action in helping to improve housing for each other, and to improve the lives of those around us.

Thank you for your help and support

Iain Shields

Founding Director of Hygge Community Life Limited and Home Hub.